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The number of hits made to www.jesushp.net (English) and www.jesushp.com (Korean) as of July 9, 2016 is 31 million 442 thousand (31,442,195) hits from all over the world, since August 2005. The Holy Spirit said, "As many people as sand at the beach accepted Jesus as their Lord, after they read the hundreds of testimonies at on www.jesushp.net or www.jesushp.com written by readers who were healed of their brain cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, AIDS, drug addiction, mental sickness, and epilepsy while reading, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me all over the world." The Holy Spirit said, "The first question you will be asked in heaven is: how many souls did you save during your life? Your treatment in heaven will be decided by how many souls you saved. Servants who saved innumerable souls will be treated like a king in heaven. "The servants who saved no one will be told, 'you wicked and lazy servant,' Matt 25: 30 Cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Refer: John 15:1–6, Holy Spirit said, "Even Christians who accepted Jesus as their Lord but do not bear fruit will be cut off by Almighty God. Branches cut off will be dry and angels gather them and throw them into ever burning fire. Are you prepared to reply the first question in heaven? How many souls did you save in your life? To save many souls for you and your family and children, the Holy Spirit asks you to donate money to build the World Holy Spirit Healing, Revival, Mission Center which will be done by the Holy Spirit through Rev. Do Shick Joe, who has been saving innumerable souls like sand at the beach with Holy Spirit Power. The Holy Spirit said, "All the number of souls saved with your donations will be posted in your book of life in heaven." |
Testimony 12/15/09 Holy Spirit healed incurable diseases, broken back & changed armed robbers who killed many people, after reading Holy Spirit Hover Over Me 2-5 times
1. Testimony 11/19/09 by Wanjala G Makara Holy Spirit changed armed robber to accept Jesus as his Lord, while reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me
Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe, Man of God I have been Robber for 4 years I joined the group when I was in universality. Their had guns and I found my self in them, doing all kind of smoke and alcoholism, fornication and speaking all dirty language Every day. We were totally possessed with evil and demonic spirits. We had no option we find our self robbing and stealing and committing many sin and horrible things. I was shot on my feet, when we were out of the university, while all My team work ran to escape. I was left injured and because I fell down rolling in the trees from a hill. Soldiers were not able to understand if they shot me or not but I was left badly bleeding and helpless. The people around took ME in HOSPITAL. I was delivered from death my parents took me away, and sent me home for more treatment. My friends did not understand if was death or not. For we had a law if someone was badly injured, we make sure we kill him so that He can not give secrets of our team. Since I received health and strength, when I was doing exercise for my feet, I met Pastor Daniel, who talked with me in mighty Love and showed to accept Christ instead of my Pride. I refused to accept Christ. The following week he came to our home for I told Him, after prayer He gave me The Book by Rev Do Shick Joe, and told me to read and my heart purposed to read it for 3 times. I read the Book and my Heart received a new light and power to live above sin and demons, I am totally saved. While I read the book, tears were streaming on my cheeks, this book showed me to enter Heaven and dwell with peace in Holy spirit. Holy Spirit saved me completely and showed me the way of Holiness. It has taught me how to escape hell and avoid God's judgment. this book is the breath of God wanjala G makara
2. Testimony 11/19/09 by Jennifer Nganaga Holy Spirit healed all her sickness, while reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me
Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe, Man of God
I am a 27-year-old female that has suffered stomach and neck, back and headache pain for 5 years. I have been to chiropractors two times, doctors and specialists worked on me but with no success. Every day I have pain. I wake up with pain, the pain increases. I always get headaches if I'm too hot. I was always told that there is nothing wrong with me and that there is nothing doctors can do. I have pain every day, I was at home and there was a revival meeting in our City. Pastor Daniel was the one to preach. After prayer for many people Pastor Daniel pointed me, saying Holy spirit wanted to heal you. I did not tell him that I was suffering. But He knew my pain and called me by my name. After prayer He gave me the Book by Rev Joe, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me. It was powerful book and he told me to read carefully and prayerfully seeking Holy Spirit Healing and strength. I prayed in the Evening, the sun was going down. There was a mighty transformation while my Body was shaking and pain leaving and Health clothing me and all pain running away from me. I received a mighty healing from the Holy Spirit while I was reading The powerful Book By Rev Joe, there is true health on me. I can walk and work all pain went and sickness. I am free from all sickness Blessing Jennifer Nganaga
3. Testimony 11/19/09 by Rose N Mundi Holy Spirit healed her broken back and all pain, while reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me
Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe, Man of God
When i was 13 years I went looking for fire woods in the Trees and there I was on top of tree and the branch I was on broke and I fell down and my back broke. For 3 years I have been walking on my knees and on chair sitting for Long time. I have been admitted in Hospital and they tried all they can on my back but pain went on and on. It came well a little,but I could not walk far, and play, for my back was painful. It was recent when I was in the School and it was confirmed I was suffering with swine flu H1N1 I had Fever, Coughing and sore throat, Runny nose, Headaches,Chills, sore throat. I went to medical check up but I did not forget carrying my Book by Rev Joe which I received from Pastor Daniel. I was separated in one single room but while praying and reading there was a mighty healing and power that The Holy Spirit come and I felt being under the shadow of Jesus. I came close to the throne and all my pain and flu was completely healed. This book led in mighty healing and empowered me and I am filled by Holy Spirit. God Bless you all bones are strong and my back completely healed by Holy Spirit. All flu was destroyed by the Power of Holy Spirit I am Healed Rose N Mundi
4. Testimony 11/19/09 by Joyce Ondary Holy Spirit healed her Angina pectoris and all pain, while reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me
Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe, Man of God
I have been suffering with Angina pectoris for 7 years. I felt uncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing, pain in the center of the chest, pain on the shoulders, neck, and arms. and feeling of impending doom. I have gone through severe pain and this diseases with no cure. I did take a lot of medicine and herbal medicine from different Doctors. But I have not got any healing in the past years. My life has been in danger. Tears were streaming all over nights and no peace and a lot of worry in my life. For all hospital I went to they told me I was suffering with with the same sickness. The time I went to the Pastor Daniel. Open air is when I heard many testifying about healing from the Holy Spirit and I went for prayer after powerful prayer. Pastor Daniel gave me the book by Rev Joe, the mighty Book Holy Spirit Hover Over Me. While reading the Book, there was an awesome wave of breath from heavenly places. Meanwhile pain left my body and all sickness was gone from the body. I received anew touch and Holy Spirit led mighty revival of Health on me. As I followed the instruction of reading and prayer as Pastor Daniel told me, a blessing of healing come on me from the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me. Thank you for all sickness went out of my body. Joyce Ondary
5. Testimony 11/19/09 by Martine Wassike Holy Spirit changed armed robber who killed many people, while reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me
Powerful Blessing and mighty spiritual move came on me and changed my life. After I was filled by The Spirit of God. I have been a thief and robber for more than 12 years I have known how to use all powerful weapons and knife sword alike. I have shed much blood and destroyed many people life and made them lose their plan. And I took their property and belongings, my life has been horrible. For after wounding people I usually drank a little of their blood so that it is a covenant that I will not be found and those spirits of the Dead will not come and follow me. It has been a long time but this Work made me make fearful. Since I had my team. We were in night attack and soldiers appeared there shortly and after a long struggle of shots. All my team were killed. I survived Death and I was arrested I have been in prison for 9 years and I have 5 years more to go. Since Pastor Daniel gave me the Book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me and he prayed for me. My heart has totally changed after reading the book. my Heart was enlightened and I am a new Creature. The past is gone and mighty Holy Spirit Power transformed me. I am filled by the Spirit of God. The Book has showed me God's Judgment and Jesus Mercy. I chose Heavenly calling through the Book to inherit eternal Life and not to enter the lake of fire. I am Changed I am Martine Wassike
For more Testimonies, click any title you like on the following titles
The owner of the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me is Almighty God.
Holy Spirit said, "Ones who scan, copy, print fake books or sending contents of the books electronically and/or sell new or used old books under the price set by the Holy Spirit on www.jesushp.net and www.jesushp.com shall be cruelly punished beyond doctors by the wrath of Almighty God. The readers who read such new or old used books purchased under the price set by the Holy Spirit on www.jesushp.net and www.jesushp.com shall be cursed by the wrath of the Almighty God instead of blessing."
THe Holy Spirit said, "All those who are doing the above against Almighty God's Ministry saving millions of the souls through the internet and books all over the world shall be cruelly punished by the wrath of Almighty God without any notice."
Holy Spirit asked you to read New Testament ACTS 5: 1-11, Annanias and Shapira tried to cheat the Holy Spirit by hiding some part of money for which they sold their possession, they were punished to death by the Holy Spirit on the same day. These days, today also many people who stand against the Holy Spirit Revival Movement by slandering the Holy Spirit filled pastors or don't obey the Holy Spirit Words given to them individually are punished to death.
The Holy Spirit said, "God's words are above all laws in the world.
Rev Joe is the man of God who delivers The Holy Spirit Words to anyone in the world to whom the Holy Spirit asks him to deliver, including kings and presidents of the world power countries.
The Holy Spirit said, "If anyone of you did the above things against Almighty God's Ministry saving millions of souls all over the world without knowing the Holy Spirit Words,
THe Holy Spirit asks you to kneel down immediately on the floor and confess and repent of your wrongdoing against Almighty God. Collect all the books new or old used books purchased under the prices set by the Holy Spirit and burn them all in fire. Swear to God that you will never do the same thing against Almighty God.
And purchase the new books at regular prices at www.jesushp.net English or www.jesushp.com Korean and pray and repent of your sins, then the Holy Spirit will forgive your sins and will bless you with all blessings and will give you the Holy Spirit power and perform miracles through you.
Holy Spirit Words given to Rev Do Shick Joe November 25, 2020 at early morning prayer.
Testimony 5/6/2010 Holy Spirit healed Muslim's neck, shoulder cancer after he accepted Jesus as his Lord and 3 other cancer patients and 1 HIV when they finished reading Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me 1. Testimony 4/8/10 by RuthHoly Spirit healed Muslim's neck and shoulder cancer who blasphemed against Jesus after he accepted Jesus as his Lord and read the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me. He abandoned Muslim. Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe Jesus Glory to youFor your love on the Cross and your death has delivered me. My husband was going in death since he had the neck and sho..
Testimony 4/15/10 Holy Spirit healed 6 cancer patients while reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me & Medical Report confirming 8 HIV patients healed by Holy Spirit Power by reading Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me 1.Testimony4/8/10 by Pastor Felix ChasiaHoly Spirit healed his cancer on toes and changed his preaching and teaching, while reading the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me.Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe God Bless you Rev Joe I am Pastor Felix Chasia of Life Spring Ministry. I have read your book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me and the book Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me has blessed me in the..
Testimony 4/13/10 Holy Spirit healed Muslim's TB, Cancer who blashpemed Jesus after he accepted Jesus as his Lord, He healed 2 ear cancer 1 shoulder cancer, HIV. chased demon, conceived baby while reading Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me 1.Testimony 4/5/2010 by Shaban I, MuringaHoly Spirit healed Cancer, TB of strong Muslim who spoke evil and blasphemy against Jesus and Pastor and saved him after he accepted Jesus as his Lord and reading the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me several times Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe God is Good I thank God for His mercy who has delivered me through his Spirit and the ..
Testimony 4/10/10 Holy Spirit healed born AIDS, HIV, 2 ear cancer patients, while reading Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me through reading 2 to 4 times. 1.Testimony 3/16/10 by Rebecca LOIHoly Spirit healed completely AIDS born from mother, while reading the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me 4 times.Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe I was born with AIDS disease in my body, my family understood my condition since I was young. Then my body was totally affected my skin was total destroyed by the rashes and my skin was full of wounds. If s..
Testimony 3/24/10 Holy Spirit healed brain cancer, 2 other cancer and HIV/AIDS 2 after reading the book Holy Spirit Hover Over Me several times each 1. Testimony 3/23/10 by Clear Wamboi
Holy Spirit healed her baby and her HIV+ while reading the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me and He saved her marriage while reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me.
Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe
For the last 4 years I have had tough life in my marriage, for after I was pregnant I went in hospital. But as since now its the must all women pregna..
Testimony 3/15/10 Holy Spirit healed 3 AIDS/HIV patients, 3 cancer patients while reading the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me. Holy Spirit released man jailed for life or death sentence, HE changed armed robber who killed many people 1. Testimony 3/12/10 by RITAH NELIMA
The Holy Spirit healed her HIV completely while she was reading the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me
Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick JoeThanks to Almighty God Oh! I have reason to rejoice and worship God once more. He is strong tower and gives strength to the weary and those that are faint. He Increases the mighty. My God be Blessed and Exalted and be praised for..
Testimony 2/21/2010 Holy Spirit healed completely 7 cancer patients, 1 HIV/AIDS and changed armed robber who killed many people into Christian, while reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me
1. Testimony 2/15/10 by ESTHER NALUROME
Holy Spirit completely healed her HIV+ while reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me
Dear servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe
Power of Healing through The Book of Holy spirit. Holy spirit is the One Jehovah Rapha, after all I have suffered I was suffering with H.I.V, and my throat was full of wounds and sores, my tongue was full of rashes and wounds...
Testimony 2/15/10 Holy Spirit healed 2 cancer, 3 HIV/AIDS and changed an armed robber who killed many aftering the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me 2-5 times each
1. Testimony 2/15/10 by STEVEN KALUNDA
Holy Spirit healed his chest cancer while reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me
Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe
Since the time that I was 17 Years, there was the sense of now and then pain in my stomach. And it moved over my chest. Since pain went and on while going to medical check ups, at last my doctor ..
Testimony 2/7/10 Holy Spirit healed 5 AIDS/HIV patients and 1 cancer. Holy Spirit changed 18 fearful prisoners who killed many people while reading the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me Holy Spirit saved a robber who killed many
1. Testimony 10/20/09 by DENNIS OMARI
Holy Spirit healed his AIDS from which he was suffering for 9 years, while reading the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me
Thanks to you Rev Joe and Holy Spirit,
Blessing came on me powerfully and healing, while I was reading your book. Its 9 years since I was suffering from AIDS in my Body and your book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me had power to lead me to enter the bles..
Testimonies 2/5/10 Holy Spirit healed her HIV and baby HIV in womb, 3 cancer patients and changed a robber to Christian, while reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me. Holy Spirit changed a robber who killed his mother 1. Testimony by Pascal Muhonja 1/7/10Holy Spirit healed HIV from her and baby in her womb while reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me. Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe Pastor Daniel Thank you. I can't explain how joyful I am now. After the time I told you, Doctors took blood test and told me I was suffering from HIV...
Testimony 1/22/2010 Holy Spirit healed 5 cancer patients while reading the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me. Holy Spirit healed a robber's ephilepsy who killed many people and changed him to be a good Christian 1. Testimony by Sharron Mayekko 1/7/10Holy Spirit healed stomach cancer while reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me.Man of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe It was full of pain in my stomach, a burning sensation, loss of appetite, discomfort in the upper nausea and some times Vomiting, Diarrhea and bloating of stomach, weight Loss having Blood in the stool which also appeared as black...
Testimony 1/15/10 Holy Spirit healed 4 cancer & 3 HIV patients while reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me. Holy Spirit changed a robber who killed many, raped many into a good Christian believer. 1. Testimony 12/15/2009 by Iren M Omari The Holy Spirit healed my stomach cancer while reading the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over MeMan of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe Since I was delivered, I Experienced powerful pain in my stomach. After few days I got some more different symptoms. No urine output, I felt hot to touch, abnormal heart rhythms, dry skin..
Testimony 12/18/09 Holy Spirit healed 2 cancer and 3 HIV, AIDS patients while reading the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me. Holy Spirit Word 2-5 times: 1. Testimony 11/30/09 by Enael WamboiHoly Spirit healed her ear cancer and hearing while reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me.Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe, Man of God Since I was a young girl and now I am 62 years, my ear has been painful and causing a lot of pain, itchiness, redness, swelling, even strong fever. I frequently experienced ringing in inside ears. I did not want the loud noises..
Testimony 12/15/09 Holy Spirit healed incurable diseases, broken back & changed armed robbers who killed many people, after reading Holy Spirit Hover Over Me 2-5 times 1. Testimony 11/19/09 by Wanjala G Makara Holy Spirit changed armed robber to accept Jesus as his Lord, while reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe, Man of God I have been Robber for 4 years I joined the group when I was in universality. Their had guns and I found my self in them, doing all kind of smoke and alcoholism, fornication and speaking all dirty language Every day. We were tota..
Testimony 12/10/09 Hoyl Spirit healed 7 cancer patients, HIV, liver sickness and demonick attacks and other sickness, while reading Holy Spirit Hover Over Me 1. Testimony 11/23/09 by TITUS W WANJALA. Holy Spirit healed his cancer and 3 friends while reading the book Holy Spirit Hover Over Me.Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe, Man of God Jesus is merciful and mighty in our times. Since I have suffered with Cancer in my Body for 2 years and painful all over my Body. With no healing, I moved to 4 hospitals to receive healing but I was not healed. It..
Testimony 11/10/09 Holy Spirit healed 2 cancer patients. 2 AIDS/HIV. Doctor of Hospital confirmed 13 AIDS/HIV patients healed competely by Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit saved Christian from armed robber trying to kill him 1. Testimony Nov. 9, 2009 by MOSES NASILAHoly Spirit healed his bone cancer completely, while he was reading the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me.Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe, Man of God I have been suffering with bone cancer for 1 year now, there was pain in bone around the affected site, and fracture on the my feet bone close the knees and bruises that persisted. For a long time my parents took ..
Testimony 10/18/2009 Holy Spirit healed 5 cancer and 1 HIV completely while reading Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me. 17 AIDS/HIV patients healed by Holy Spirit and confirmed by Doctors, after reading Holy Spirit Hover Over Me 2-5 times
1. Testimony 10/13/09 by Miriam Ayango email
The Holy Spirit healed her cancer and HIV while reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me.
Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe, Man of God
I am a woman with 8 children, and I am 53 years old. Since I was 50, my health became bad there was Pelvic pain, fever, blood on my urine, in ability to urine, my bone was painful like broken, there was no improving, for lon..
Testimony 10/12/09 Holy Spirit healed AIDS, 5 HIV+, 2 cancer unbearable pains, while reading Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me. 1. Testimony 9/28/09 by Deborah Atieno email
The Holy Spirit healed AIDS from her body. She once tried to commit suicide by drinking poison.
Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe, Man of GodGod is full of mercy, He is mighty and powerful. He rebukes sickness through His Holy Spirit. I was a student in high school. It was the day of a strike and I lived far from the school. It forced me to run as fast as I could to ..
Testimony 9/26/09 Holy Spirit healed AIDS/HIV 5 adults, 2 children, 2 cancer by Holy Spirit, while reading Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me, Recommendation letter from Ministry of Healt Doctors confirmed 5 HIV/AIDS were healed by Holy Spirit 1. Testimony 9/23/09 email from Rosemary AkinyiHoly Spirit healed her AIDS Full Blown completely, while reading Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me.Dear Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe, Man of GodAfter I married for 2 years, my health turned bad to me while arthritis and rheumatic was very strong to me and it was told that I have to Go to the Hospital for more check up and later the V.C.T machine confirmed my blood was with AI..
1. Testimony 9/23/09 email from Rosemary AkinyiHoly Spirit healed her AIDS Full Blown completely, while reading Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me.
Dear Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe, Man of GodAfter I married for 2 years, my health turned bad to me while arthritis and rheumatic was very strong to me and it was told that I have to Go to the Hospital for more check up and later the V.C.T machine confirmed my blood was with ..
Testimony 9/25/09 Holy Spirit healed 3 AIDS/HIV and 1 cancer completely while reading Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me & Doctor confirmation that they were completely healed. 1. Testimony received 9/23/09 email from Edward Manyasi Dear Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe, Man of GodMay God Bless you, Rev Joe for the wonderful prayer and powerful book I read from you. I got it through Pastor Daniel Masika. I have been living with the H.I.V virus for 2 years until I received your book, Holyspirit, Hover Over Me. While reading it prayerfuly, there was mighty move on my body and grace. Holy S..
Testimony 9/14/09 Holy Spirit healed 2 AIDS, 1 HIV and 1 Cancer completely, while reading the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me
1. Testimony 9/14/09 by Patrick Muchi emailHoly Spirit healed Patrick's AIDS, T.B. through Holy Spirit Hover Over MeDear Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe, Man of GodI am Patrick, I am 28-years-old. I have been working in a car garage. I have had 7 years of suffering. We moved from one hospital to another. No one understood my sickness and my health become worse and worse, until my parents were forced to take me..
Testimony: 9/6/09 Holy Spirit completely healed AIDS, cervical cancer and syphilis while reading Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me He healed HIV, bumps, rashes, sore, itching, AIDS, Cancer, Holy Spirit changed armed robber to born again Christian Testimony: By Sharon Kiplagant 9/4/2009 email Holy Spirit healed AIDS, syphilis and cervical cancer completely while reading the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me. Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe, Man of God I had brain damage but did not know what was wrong with me, until my relatives took me to the hospital. After some tests I was found with AIDS in my body that had developed into int..
Testimony 8/28/09 Holy Spirit healed AIDS, blood coming out, rashes, running stomach, cancer, ulcer, 2 AIDS, cancer, ulcer, Holy Spirit healed TB, moved armed robber who killed many 1. From: Gloria Musumbi on Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 4:22 AM Subject: Healing Of the HolyspiritThe Holy Spirit healed her AIDS she was suffering from for many years.Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe, Man of GodGod has remembered my cry. All night and day it was like a curse to me. Wherever I went people spoke evil of me and accused me, but I do not know how I got AIDS. My body weight was coming down daily and I grew thi..