Testimony Jan 19, 2011 Holy Spirit healed AIDS, stomach cancer, chest pain, diabetes, short breath, damaged ear drum, sick mother doctors couldt heal, God paralized armed robbers who tried to kill man after reading Holy Spirit Hover Over Me 2-5 times each
Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe The God of grace bless you and raise you Rev Joe, man of God beyond measure. It is my joy and happiness to write you what the Holy Spirit has done over my life and family. It was a blessing when I took my time to go on open air meeting where Pastor Daniel was ministering. There he was teaching on Holy Spirit Healing and the coming of Christ. I wanted to know more as I opened my heart to the Gospel. Pastor Daniel was praying for many people that were in this open air meeting. I had the kidney problem. I could not walk far or work continuously . It was very painful. The doctors confirmed I was suffering with kidneys. They were affected and I had to seek medicines and treatment for the last years. But the problem went on and on until I came to meet the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me by Rev. Joe. It was after prayers that Pastor Daniel was doing on open air. I went and told him about how I feel and have suffered. After prayer he gave me the book Holy Spirit Hover Over Me and he instructed me to read it carefully and much prayer to be made and waiting God to revive my health and restore the joy of my salvation. I prayed so hard and waiting on God's intervention so the Holy Spirit not only cured my sickness but did marvels over my life. Salvation become life and better I could not pray better but I was revived into prayer so much. Then the word of God turned into my heart springs of life and all the kidneys that had severe pain were cured by the Holy Spirit Power. I had back pain that had been there for sometime. But I discovered it is not there and I am good in strength and health. This book has pulled me up in faith and prayer. My life has changed. The Lord be blessed through His love in Christ Jesus. Thank You Lord for Your Servant Rev Joe for inspired and blessed Holy Spirit revelations that has touched my heart and sent power over my life. The Holy Spirit has empowered me and given me hope for eternal life in Jesus, The Lord bless you man of God. This book has so encouraged me and led me in victory after victory in Jesus and my life has increased in favor before the Lord. I want to turn all the glory to the Heavenly Father Almighty God. Nanjala Jones
2. Testimony 10/13/09 by SAMUEL KITINDA email The Holy Spirit completely healed his cancer, while reading the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe, Man of God I was in school when the sickness went on and off for the last 3 months seriously, after the teachers took me to the nearest hospital, doctors confirmed I was suffering from cancer in the stomach. I had uncomfortable pressure, squeezing pain in my chest, and vomiting daily my health become poor and poor. So it was forced to send me back to my parents for more treatment. And my father with mama took me to the hospital for more medicine and good check up, they said I was suffering from cancer. It was bad to me, while I was growing weaker and weaker daily, strong pain in my stomach, ulcer took place in again. Appetite for food was gone, my eyes gave the sign of no enough blood. I was added blood but no response, my mother kept on crying for me but there was no success of healing. It was said I have to come home. For it was beyond doctors and I was brought home, while at home prayers were at our friends home. It was a midweek service Pastor Daniel was preaching. I was hearing and fire was burning within my heart while I asked my parents to take me in that prayer home. I was there in my heart I was saying the Lord was only the remaining trust, it was powerful the house was filled with the power. But Pastor prayed for me and told me to read the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me. And while I was reading the book, powerful encouragement I took courage asked Holy Spirit to heal me, Jesus visited my body and soul powerful grace of healing come on me. There was power and burning, my bones was full of strength while all pain was moved powerfully in my stomach, like the hand of a man in my stomach pulling some things out of me. I cried in loud voice and shortly all pain went out and peace came on me and joy filled my hear while I was strengthened in my body, Holy Spirit healed me completely while I read and reread the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me by Rev Joe. I pray Heavenly Blessing for you. Thank you SAMUEL KITINDA
3. Testimony 12/28/10 by DAN Holy Spirit paralized many armed robbers who tried to kill the motor cycle driver who read the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me several months and defeated all the armed robbers with Holy Spirit Power so he was saved from death. Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe The Lord God of heaven is full of mercy and everlasting Father is worthy. He that has sent His Spirit to dwell within us and through His Holy Spirit. We are seated with Him in heavenly places, for the Holy Spirit has helped us to be His sons, manifested in His beauty. I thank God after being in revival meeting where Pastor Daniel was preaching. He spoke on Holy Spirit and the Power of God was present in the room. He revealed strong revelations and I needed to know more on the Spirit. I asked him and eventually he gave me the Book Holy Spirit Hover Over Me. He encouraged me to read it again and again in prayer. For The Holy Spirit will reveal more in this book to you. When you have hunger and thirsty for the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit will manifest His power and strength to all that believe in Jesus. I took the book and read it several months and I felt life in the Spirit. There was the sense of victory within me for all I read in this book from chapter one to the end of it. This book revealed to me a lot in the Spirit and the grace of God was highly manifested in and upon me, after reading all signs and wonders the Holy Spirit has done through the man of God, Rev Do Shick Joe. I was moved in my heart to believe on the Lord Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit. Because Christian can do notthing, unless he is full of the Holy Spirit. I work on town service but I use the motorbike in transporting goods and people in and out of town. Since many of my clients have my phone number I was always called to take people home or goods to my clients. But one day armed robbers had a plan to kill me and take my motorbike. Without knowing their plot to kill me, I met one client. But he was the stranger who told me to take him out of the town. When we went there, many armed robbers were ready waiting for me. After arriving there, the one on the motorbike came down from the motorbike I was riding on. I was waiting for him to pay me since we have arrived at the destination. But he pulled out the sword, suddenly came all other armed robbers from the hiding and all surrounded me and all of them pulled their swords and huge and heavy metals. One smote the sword upon my head and my blood came out as much as water and I was wet all over the body by blood. They had one mission to kill me and take the motorbike. Since they were many, I had no strength to fight against them. In my spirit I recalled the Holy Spirit salvation and deliverance power that the Lord God has done through Rev Joe and in the Bible even in prison to the apostle. I called the Holy Spirit while shouting. All the armed robbers became powerless immediately. So they could not hit me any more or kill me nor take away my motorbike. They were completely defeated in the Power of Holy Spirit, after I prayed to God asking the Holy Spirit to help me, before they defeat me. They were fighting against me with swords and heavy metals all round. They had surrounded me with swords but the Holy Spirit saved me from being killed by the hands of armed robbers. I went to hospital immediately. After they smote upon my head with sword and I was wounded deeply in my head. And I had lost a lot of blood. When I arrived in hospital, doctors said, “It is impossible for anyone with such wound in the head to live again.” But all were proved that it was beyond human power and ability. I was healed by The Holy Spirit Power and saved, delivered from the death. I thank God. Through the Holy Sprit He is worthy and mighty. I will continue reading the Holy Spirit Hover Over Me and believe in Jesus. For He is worthy. All things written in the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over are full of anointing and carry the weight of revelation. I believe in Jesus and pray fervently. I walk daily as a born again Christian. DAN
Dec. 29, 2010 in the early morning prayer, Rev. Do Shick Joe, the author of the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me asked the Holy Spirit to show him how Holy Spirit defeated many armed robbers who tried to kill the motercycle driver who was fully filled in Holy Spirit by reading Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me immediately. Holy Spirit told me that upon his calling the Holy Spirit, all the armed robbers were parilized in their hands, legs and body by the Holy Spirit Power. So they could not move at all but standing like dead bodies and powerless. They were all defeated by the Holy Spirit Power and he was saved from the death. Holy Spirit showed me in vision.
<In the last 20 years, Satan, demons and evil spirits tried to kill Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe more than several hundred times, whenever evil spirits tried to kill him, Rev. Joe called for Jesus, immediately the Holy Spirit in the form of Jesus appeared and He saved Rev. Joe safely but Jesus threw all the evil spirits who tried to kill Rev. Joe into the ever-burning fire lake in hell or into the boiling oil tank and placed cover over it which can not be opened forever.>
<On November 10, 2009 The Holy Spirit said to Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe, “I will save safely all the Holy Spirit filled God's children who are spreading Jesus gospel with Holy Spirit power all over the world from any enemy, such as armed robbers, unbelievers, evil spirits any time, any place all over the world. Don't worry about such things but receive the Holy Spirit Power as much as you can by reading the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me and spread Jesus gospel boldly. The Holy Spirit knows everything in advance what the enemy, such as Satan, evil spirits, demons are intriguing plot to hurt My children through armed robbers, gangsters or others, the Holy Spirit and His angels will hit and destroy the enemy including all their commanders and soldiers completely before they try to hit My children any place in the world.”>
4. Testimony Dec. 4, 2010 MUSHILA SHEILLAH Holy Spirit healed her chest pains and short of breath coming from diabetes and her child's sickness in ear and serious headache after reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me 2 times. Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe It was so severely pain over my chest and I was diabetic. Pastor, as I told you early, the pain in chest was so strong that I could not carry any thing little heavy. The chest problem started while I was young. When it was cold, it was hard for me to breathe and I was struggling so much. There were a lot of signs compared with asthma but doctors said I have no asthma. And like T.B. but after the test there was no T. B. I have suffered so many days. When recent I went for check up in hospital, it was revealed that I am suffering from diabetes. I have been given drugs to help me up and restore my health. But it was so strong and it went on when both sickness the chest and diabetic when it was cold. It was like I was dying and that I could go no more in life. After Pastor you prayed for me and gave me the book Holy Spirit Hover Over Me. This is what happened when I read this book 2 times again and again in prayer, my heart was convicted since many incurable sickness were healed by the Holy Spirit in this book so I looked and believed that this will be the end of my suffering and sickness. My heart was given to God total completely and never I sleep without prayer or reading Holy Spirit book and the Bible. While reading carefully all the signs and wonders in this book, The Holy Spirit cured my chest and diabetes in my body and I am total completely healed and no more pain that is going on in my body. I am saved and changed by the Holy Spirit Power and also my child ear that was so sick and headache was healed. I am fine and blessed in Jesus name after reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me. The Holy Spirit Book by Rev Joe is so blessing and leads you into the wisdom after you read it. As I read, my life has never remained the same again. I am blessed in this book and Holy Spirit has tought me to avoid sin and all sin that I committed early I confessed them as the hand of God is working over my life through the Holy Spirit. I am full of the Holy Spirit and live as the living stone and the temple of God. The Holy Spirit lives in me and I am in revelation through The Holy Spirit. My heart is bold through the Holy Spirit and I am no more fearful but have courage that God has healed me. My faith has rest on the Lord Jesus after learning more through The Holy Spirit in this book. Thank you so much MUSHILA SHEILLAH
5. Testimony 9/23/09 by James Walumbe email Holy Spirit healed AIDS completely while reading Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe, Man of God Blessings in Jesus' name. God bless you, beloved man of God. The wonderful book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me, has transformed my life and brought healing to my bones. A mighty power came out of the book while reading it faithfully after instructed. I was admitted to the hospital for a long time, about 7 months, but with no healing. Then Pastor Daniel visted the hospital where I was and prayed for me. After a little talk and encouragement, I received your book. I have been tested and examined and the doctors confirmed I was living with the AIDS virus. It forced me to think about how I will leave my children. There was courage after reading your book. It was in the night while my bed and my body were moving strongly and shaking mightly that I felt that I was free from a strong burden. Total healing and power came and strength was on me. My doctors confirmed that I am totally healed. The book carries the voice of God and the power of the Almighty. The book is full of hope. God bless you, man of God.Thanks a lot. James Walumbe
6. Testimony Dec 4, 2010 by ZULUPA JACKIE Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe God is worthy. Give Him all praise. Since Pastor Daniel gave us the book Holy Spirit Hover Over Me, we continued reading it as my mum was so sick and could not be cured and medical doctors could not diagnose the problem that made her suffer but was very sick. As you told us, “that there are other sickness that are caused by Satan power and Demons and cant be cured or no doctors can understand it. We read the book praying as you instructed us. Pastor, God through the Holy Spirit healed our mother body. The Holy Spirit imparted the anointing on our family and sent the joy and grace over all our home. I was in school as I told you earlier Pastor. But the Holy Spirit after reading the Holy Spirit book increased knowledge over me and wisdom as my heart is full of God's joy and I am delivered from every thing that is not Godly and raised up high in grace and favor. I never read such book before that is so inspired and blessing. The Holy Spirit has given me understanding of the hope. I thank God for such great love through His Servant and strong revelations in the Holy Spirit. My ear drum that was damaged through which I could not hear was restored through the Holy Spirit Power. Now I can hear clearly. I have learnt to walk in and keep vision, since in this book I have understood that God speaks through vision and dreams and there are Devil, demons that attack people through the dreams and vision and I have been warned of hell and showed the picture of the saint in heaven. Since I love my life, I decided by the help of the Holy Spirit that I will not seek God's blessing. But I will seek the God of blessing. When I have Him will prosper so I decided to pray and read more of The Holy Spirit Book and the result has been changed and in my spiritual life I have grown in grace and grounded on the word by The Holy Spirit Power. I thank God through the Holy Spirit love, for such a great blessing in the Holy Spirit. Ooh it has been a year of change and God's blessing over my life. This book I read continues and I have seen God's hand over my life. Its God's blessed book Holy Spirit Hover Over Me. Also my friends in school are changed through the book after reading it. Through reading it and being set on fire of prayer through book Holy Spirit Hover Over Me I have prayed over our school and the Hand of God has changed our school so much. Pastor we pray God bless Rev Joe Thank you ZULUPA JACKIE 7. Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me is the book the Holy Spirit uses to heal incurable diseases and solve impossible problems when you read it. In this book, Jesus gave Bible words to me, explained the meanings, and performed miracles. January 25, 2011 There are innumerable books of Holy Spirit miracles and testimonies in the world. However there are no books through which the Holy Spirit heals incurable diseases such as brain cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, HIV, AIDS, leukemia, epilepsy and other sickness while they are reading it, except Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me. Go to www.jesushp.net and click <Testimony by Readers> where you will find hundreds of testimonies by readers. These people testify that they were completely healed of their incurable diseases after reading the book 2-5 times. The Holy Spirit heals not only incurable sickness, but also restores broken marriages. He lets barren women conceive babies. He heals the demon possessed who are crying and running naked in the street. He heals drug addicts, alcoholics, and addicted smokers. He heals mental patients with depression through which Satan and demons lure them to commit suicide or murder other people. Testimony by Reader 1. When a truck with 17 people was rolling down a high mountain road due to an accident, all the passengers cried and called for their own gods to save them. However only the Christian who read the book Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me several times and called for the Holy Spirit was saved by an angel. All 16 people who called to other gods were crushed and killed on the spot. Testimony by Reader 2. 14 armed robbers kidnapped a person who was filled with the Holy Spirit by reading Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me three times. They tried to kill him. At the moment he cried for the Holy Spirit to save him, all the armed robbers abandoned their weapons and ran away as fast as they could to save their own lives. Testimony by Reader 3. Many robbers armed with heavy metals and swords surrounded a motorcycle driver who read Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me several times and was full of the Holy Spirit. They tried to kill him and rob him of all he had, including his motorcycle. When one of the robbers hit his head in the back with a sword, he cried for the Holy Spirit. Immediately all the robbers who surrounded him were paralyzed in their hands and bodies and could not move at all. All of them were defeated by the Holy Spirit Power and he ran to the hospital to treat his cut head. The Holy Spirit healed idol worshipers and unbelievers' incurable sickness after they accepted Jesus as their Lord and prayed, repented of their sins in the past and read the book. Many such people were healed of AIDS or all kinds of cancer. Then they spread Jesus' gospel all over the world, witnessing how they were saved and healed by the Holy Spirit after abandoning their old gods. The Holy Spirit wants to perform His miracles through you too. This is the book through which the Holy Spirit heals incurable diseases which doctors cannot heal even if you pay them 10 million dollars. Price $50.00/book. $35.00/book for order over 12 copies To spread Jesus' gospel all over the world, you need strong spiritual weapons. Today Satan, demons, and evil spirits try their best to block Jesus' salvation by telling people groundless lies to destroy them permanently. So it is difficult to deliver Jesus' gospel with normal ways all over the world. Therefore the Holy Spirit heals incurable diseases with Holy Spirit power and solves the problems which are impossible for men to solve. Jesus delivers His gospel with the spiritual weapons: Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me, <Testimony by readers>, and <Holy Spirit Words> on www.jesushp.net. These are spiritual weapons to change whoever reads them into real Christians filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus asks you to save billions of unsaved people wandering in darkness with the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me, <Testimony by Readers>, and <Holy Spirit Words>. Almighty God is most pleased when He sees His children send the unsaved to Jesus' cross for salvation. The Holy Spirit said, “God will give Holy Spirit power and His unlimited blessing to His children who save the unsaved with the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me.” The Holy Spirit's words were given to Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe, the Chairman of Heavenly Publications, Inc., in early morning prayer on January 25, 2011. |