Testimony Nov. 15, 2010 Holy Spirit healed HIV, cancer, Demenia, Ulcer, TB, Brucellosis, Alcoholist, smoking and saved Muslim, grew church from 6 to 154 members after reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me 2-4 times each.
Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe I bless the Lord Jesus for His Peace and understanding. He is worthy of all praise and glory , I am happy and blessed highly from the Holy Spirit, I surrender Jesus all worship and adoration. I was suffering from the H.I.V. virus the last 3 years. And I could not be cured since the sickness in its nature, it has no cure. After the doctors confirmed that I have HIV virus in my body, I was afraid and for some time for what I heard I was with a dementia caused by HIV infection of the brain and characterized by neurologic. It was the dangerous issue since I received understanding that I might be disturbed mentally. But shortly there was a lot of rashes all over the body and wounds in my mouth, with boils and I had severe headache and pain from all my Joints. At this time I was helpless. I had taken care since I was bedridden. But blessed be name of the Lord while I could not walk. Even my feet refused to walk under the sole of my feet there was pain. When at home Pastor Daniel came in and shared with me the gospel at the first day and then he went. When he came back the second time he came with the book Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me. It was day time and he shared with me what has been written in this book, and how it can help me. And he asked me to read it daily with my bible in prayer and ask Holy Spirit to heal me and the man of God left. I remained in prayer and read the book by Rev Joe. Surely Holy Spirit transformed my inner man. While reading I felt the newness of the Spirit and the change on my Spirit. I took time reading this book and asking the Holy Spirit to heal me as I read remarkable testimonies in this book. Through Rev Joe's prayer and how Holy Spirit healed him from different sickness, my faith was being raised from faith to faith since every chapter in this book had a lesson for me. I repented from all my sin most after I read of hell and heaven in this book and how I have to tame my tongue and many chapters and lines had life and the book was like the mouth of God to me. After I read fervently and in prayer I was encouraged one thing that come into my mind and Spirit. While reading is all was possible by the Holy Spirit, and He is able to cure even blood and raise the dead back to life. I knew from within me that Jesus had all power after I read this book. He had power to save even from hell. The holy fire of The Holy Spirit was burning within me. I never knew what it was. I called Pastor Daniel and told him I feel burning fire in my spirit after I read the book you gave me. He told me the fire inside you burning is the Holy Spirit working in you. Keep praying he said, and he prayed for me and went his way. I kept up in prayer all my sin confessed and all bitterness was removed within me. Jesus came into me as my personal Savior, all the pain on my body left and all rashes all over my body which was with all HIV symptoms have gone from my body. No more rashes are on my body. I started walking and I was completely healed. I am healed and changed. My health is normal, I praise God for such a miracle performed by Holy Spirit through the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me. Praise Jesus. I want to turn all the glory to Almighty Heavenly Father who healed my HIV and dementia through the Holy Spirit Power. Leah w maritha
Holy Spirit healed his mouth cancer and ulcer completely after his reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me daily. Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe The Lord be praised. I thank Jesus through His Love and Grace that is hidden in His Heart to human beings that love Him and look for His Redemption. I have lived under alcoholic bondage, and smoker of cigarettes. I never walked without smoking or drinking it. Alcoholic was part of me. In this case I have stayed without a wife, since my character and mind could allow her. I have been doing this for the long time. One day when I was watching for the corn land late in night, robbers came in and fought me. And left me behind half dead and took a large part of good I was watching and destroyed part of corn in the land. But they went after wounded me teriblely. From that day my chest was paining and head since there are one affected so much. Since I was addicted by alcoholism, and could not be willing to do without, doctors later told me that I have to do without alcoholic drinks. There was the virus of ulcer was diagnosed on my mouth and tongue. For several months after check up doctors confirmed that cancer virus have been diagnosed on my mouth again. They said smoking might be the source of it and alcoholism. I was total affected and mostly on bed since I was attacked by fever now and then. My body was sick and cold I felt most of time. It has been difficult since I was on bed mostly and I continued suffering severely as my mouth and tongue had wounds all over inside and outside. It was painful and many medicine were used but it remained the same. When Pastor Daniel was preaching on open air, I went for prayer. He was ministering on the Holy Spirit and the Blood of Jesus. As the message entered deep my heart and I felt love and presence of Holy Spirit In my heart. I humbled for prayer. As he prayed for me, he asked me to read the book Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me and prayed for me. Then he gave me the book and told me to read it in prayer along with my Bible. So did I daily and after reading this book Pastor Daniel was visiting me and encouraged me to believe all the Holy Spirit Words and Jesus. As I did that, all pain has come to an end. My heart had not been yet saved, but this time this book brought a huge light on my heart to believe Jesus, that He is the Son of God and the only One that has Light and the Only way through which we can go to heaven. I opened my heart to Jesus and He came into my life. All my sins were confessed and I repented. While I kept reading the Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me, both cancer, and ulcer on my mouth and tongue and all pain have come to an end. As Jesus saved me from all sin and His Blood erased all sins from my heart. This book is the Holy Spirit inspired book. My heart was blessed so much and I have seen the wonders of those that believe in the Holy Spirit. I am completely healed and my health is good. No more headache and no more chest pain over me, no cold in my body and all cancer on my mouth and ucers are healed by the Holy Spirit Power coming from Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me. I thank God for Rev Joe for wonderful teaching and revelations of the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord, Jesus. All the glory to the Almighty Heavenly Father. JACKSON MASABA
Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe I was a Muslim and there I have grown up and educated all knowledge and understanding. Since it was my father's religion when I grew up I was told that Christian religion was not better and Jesus was just a messenger the prophet. But God has no son. So mostly I took Christian religion that they were confused and infidel. My heart hearted all of them and mostly my cousin Pastor Daniel who kept preaching that Jesus was the Son of God and He is the Only way through which we can go to heaven. I could not sit with him in the room or discuss with him anything about heaven or hell. I kept going in Mosque and went on learning but one day after the work I came home and I was disturbed in the heart. I had no peace and I needed peace. I married now and then I could not stay with the wife. I had been in Mosque but I felt something is lacking. I was good smoker and powerful drunkard. Here at this time my cousin Pastor Daniel came to vist my mother and shared prayer with the gospel to my mother. I always understood that I was a man. Since I am the follower of my father's religion and he (Pastor Daniel) is the follower of my mother's religion. But I meet a challenge. He at this time came to me and having understood that I never hear him. He shared with me about The Book Holy Spirit Hover Over Me and this time he did not talk about Jesus but Holy Spirit Book. I was excited to read about it, since I wanted to know more about Holy Spirit. For we have learned that ANGELS are The Holy Spirit more so Gabriel the Angel. But after taking my time and read this book, after there I have finished reading it, my heart was burning and was afraid, since this book has explained that the people that worship idols and other gods will be in hell. The whole of the book was the wonder since I came to understand who is the Holy Spirit. After reading the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me my heart could not resist the truth of the gospel again.
When my cousin Pastor Daniel came I asked him if Jesus can forgive me and fill me with the Holy Power, the Holy Spirit of promise, he said its possible and he prayed for me. As he did, my heart was changed. I came to receive power to cast out Demons and send them out and evil dreams mostly. I had demonic dreams but since I read this book and prayed as I was instructed and the Bible I have new Spirit and Heart. The peace of God is within me. I feel Jesus talk to me I am converted. I am the new creature and born again. I thank the man of God Rev Do Shick Joe. Highly I gave God honor and praise for His wonderful working power. Alfred Mukhobi
4. Testimony Sept 24, 2010 by Pator Samuel Merengo in Tanzania Holy Spirit grew his church from 6 members to 154 members, blessed him Holy Spirit power and miracles after reading the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me.
God Bless you Rev Joe I am Pastor Samuel Merengo from Tanzania. Pastor Daniel visited us and introduced your book in our country and shared a lot about Holy Spirit Hover Over Me and what The Lord God in The Holy Spirit is doing great miracles and mighty sign and wonders. I asked Pastor Daniel in pastors' meeting and elders that came and heard him as he shared to us about Holy Spirit, to give me the book and read it and be blessed and receive revelation of Holy Spirit. Pastor Daniel gave me that book and surely it's powerful book. I have read this book and I had 6 people in my church when Pastor Daniel came in our village. After reading remarkable teaching and testimonies from Rev Do Shick Joe and believed my faith was strongly grounded and I became mighty in prayer and was filled by the power of Holy Spirit from High. The church has grown from 6 people to 154 people and God has highly opened door in the ministry. In the village I am preaching its small village and poor community. But for me it has turned a wonder and a miracle as many gospel ministers ask me. How did you manage to be a blessing and you prosper in that village. Many ministers have run out of that village because its dry and like unfruitful. And I personally at the first was so hard that I was almost to give up there. But after reading carefully the Holy Spirit Miracles from Rev Joe Book, I was mightily encouraged, as The Holy Spirit led me into powerful blessing.
I have been renewed, changed and baptized into the Holy Spirit Power. The Holy Spirit has changed my mind into sober minded, after reading Holy Spirit Hover Over me. I have been blessed and highly empowered into the Ministry. Surely the Holy Spirit Book by Rev Joe here in TAZANIA has been a blessing unto us. Mostly It has given me revelation on hell and praying for the sick people as Rev Joe was trained by the Holy Spirit in evangelism and prayer I have applied on that and The Holy Spirit has mightily ministered to many as I pray. Many have been healed and blessed. This book is powerful book inspired by the Holy Spirit, as the Lord Jesus has continued to reveal Himself most in relation in this Book. Since I read this book, my life has never remained the same. I have been transformed into the ministry. I have come to understand why we need to walk in the Spirit. When I was filled by the Holy Spirit and got revelation. Then no demons even powerful one can overcome spiritual people full of the Holy Spirit. I have been an eye witness as HIV patients are healed after Pastor Daniel prayed and gave the patient the Book by Rev Joe and all were healed from incurable sickness by the Holy Spirit Power here in E. Africa.
My family has been changed, since the Holy Spirit book gave us revelation and understanding. This book is not usual but powerful and it contains spiritual power. As you read it daily, God will manifest powerfully into your ministry, family house and body. As I read at the first, It was like something evil was coming out and the new thing and better was coming in, finally I felt Jesus on the throne of my heart and ministry. I am blessed beyond measure as The Holy Spirit has ministered over my life after reading Holy Spirit Hover, Over Me by Rev Joe. I pray that this book to be translated into many languages all over the world. And I pray God to bless Rev Joe and the ministry that has been given to him. Samuel Merengo
5. Testimont Sept 24, 2010 by Moses Barasa Holy Spirit healed his TB, brucellosis and blessed his church by healing many HIV, cancer after reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me 3 times Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe God is worthy and Holy One. The One that is and was to come. I am the pastor and lead the church here in Africa, the brother to Pastor Daniel. I can't tell how the Holy Spirit has been a blessing to us here, as many that have been suffering by HIV have been healed and cancer and different kind of sickness through reading the Book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me by Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe and prayer by Pastor Daniel. Being a gospel minister I met a lot of challenges but after reading The Holy Spirit Book by Rev Do Shick Joe, my heart has been changed and life style. Ever since I have been filled by the Holy Spirit power after reading the Book Holy Spirit Hover Over Me. I have been suffering with the chest problem. I could work and coughing and mostly unable even to walk when I was suffering. Shortly after doctor confirmed that I was having a chronic infectious disease of some domestic animals that can be transmitted to human beings through contaminated milk. Then he added there was T.B. virus in my chest. Surely I have been treated and for many day but I could not be healed. Yet a lot of money was spent on me to seek healing but it continued having strong pain. After reading this book over 3 times cover to cover in prayer, Holy Spirit healed me completely all sickness from my chest T.B and brucellosis from my body. I have been blessed beyond measure while reading the book Holy Spirit Hover Over me. This book is surely blessing and also it inspired all words that are written there in it. They are powerful to save and heal many souls from the demonic oppression and demonic sickness and help many from the burden of sin and the Devil. After reading this Book from chapter one to the end of the book it was flowing from one page to the other and from chapter to chapter, as Holy Spirit went on leading me into deeper intimacy in The Lord Jesus Christ. I have been empowered powerfully in the ministry and prayer while reading the Holy Spirit book. I have read the Bible and understand the strong meaning from the Bible with the help of the Holy Spirit. After praying for people many have been changed and healed by the Holy Spirit Power. God has been faithful through the Holy Spirit in ministering to me while I feel blessed so much and have grace before Him and men in the ministry. I thank God for Rev Joe and pray for all his family that God will bless them abundantly, since here many that have read this book have been changed and delivered from Satanic power, healed from incurable sickness and many barren have given birth by the Holy Spirit. I want to give praise to the Lord Jesus for many that have come across this book have felt God's presence hover upon their life and total transformation. I thank Jesus for His love through His Servant Rev Joe and blessing Revelation from The Holy Spirit. I want to surrender all the glory to the Almighty Heavenly Father who healed all my sickness with Holy Spirit Power. Moses Barasa