Testimony 7/8/10 Holy Spirit healed completely 2 HIV patients, knee cancer, ear cancer 2 cancer patients and saved Muslim to Jesus Salvation when they read the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me 2 - 4 times each
1. Testimony June 21, 2010 by John Nambale Holy Spirit healed his HIV+ completely after he read the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me 4 times daily. Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe After being tested, my blood read HIV +. I could not stand, my mind changed better to die. I remembered how HIV kills and there is no cure, tears were coming out of my eyes and I wanted to commit suicide. There were many worries that come up in me after looking my wife die of the same HIV. That night I thought of dying but before it reached late night. The open air revival meeting was going on in our market and the words in the open air come like the light in my heart. As it sounded its possible and all incurable sickness has solution in Jesus. My heart was touched to be in that open air meeting and God led me there. I heard and saw some that had HIV gave their testimonies and my heart melted. I never waited preaching to be over, I felt burning power over my heart and need of prayer. I knelt down before Pastor Daniel and requested for prayer. My health was poor, all body was full of rashes. Even on my tongue boils were all over my private parts. Weeping my hands in the air and down tears were flowing from my eyes and my knees down asking God through Pastor Daniel to heal me. But Pastor Daniel looked at me and lifted up his voice in prayer. He asked me to keep up in prayer and there was spiritual joy sprung up in my heart. Pastor Daniel went ahead and gave the book by Rev Joe, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me and instructed me to read it daily. God moved powerful over my heart after remained reading the book and prayerful. The heaven was wide open over me, as the joy and strength came over me. All my skin rashes were completely healed. Also the tongue that could not allow all food go through over it due to the wounds there on was healed. Jesus saved me and my blood was purified from all HIV Virus. My health is normal. I have read the book Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me 4 times daily with all hunger and desired revelation of Holy Spirit operation. Since my heart was ready for God's move, I came and made up my mind while reading that no sin will reign over me. I prayed to God through the Holy Spirit in Jesus to forgive me. I am free and well. My health Is normal. God delivered and saved me through Holy Spirit from the grave and hell. I am empowered by Holy Spirit. I am strong and believe all that is written by Holy Spirit in this book, since Holy Spirit has healed me from incurable sickness, all HIV virus that was very powerful over all medicines. I thank God. Faithfully I will walk in Him and in His Word. For He is full of mercy and strong love from Christ Jesus on the cross. O LORD our Lord, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth! Who hast set Thy glory above the heavens. O LORD my God, I cried unto Thee, and Thou hast healed me. I pray. Bless Your Servant Rev Joe for the powerful work of Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for Your anointing and healing. John Nambale
2. Testimony June 26, 2010 by Moses Oduori The Holy Spirit healed completely his knee cancer when he read the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me while reading the book again. Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe God I thank You for Your Servant Do Shick Joe, for the inspired revelation from The Holy Spirit. After being obedient under the instruction and reading the Book Holy Spirit Hover Over Me, Holy Spirit has done wonders over my life. I was in school in primary the early education. I liked the football match. While playing coming home the pain began from my feet knee and it was itching. As we all did, all we can to restore my feet well but it could not since I could not walk far and the feet never liked to walk. But I had knee hurts it could not function properly and could not allow any weight on it. After popping sound it was very painful, my knees locks rigidly in one position. My knee had swollen. The pain was associated with fever. My kneecap was visible out of place. After visiting the hospital I was told knee cancer has attacked my feet and it was very painful. I had never got any medical healing for the 2 years that I was suffering but all medicines were like to quench the pain. But healing never come. I was at home when Pastor Daniel brought the Book Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me to me after I asked him some time back since I had received news about it. Pastor Daniel gave the book to me and instructed me to pray and walk in the Lord and believe all that is written in the book. After reading and fully in prayer as all sins were confessed, I received the Lord Jesus through this Book Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me. While reading it again all knee cancer was healed and all pain went away from my body. I am normal. The Book has imparted life of the Spirit of God upon my heart and grace with love of God. I am completely healed and saved. I praise Jesus through the Holy Spirit of God, God through the book has healed me. Sure this book is Holy Spirit revival book and it has the Lord God's Spirit anointing on it. I praise the Lord for the great work through His Holy Spirit book. God is good and worthy to be praised. Blessed be His name for the great work in His Holy Spirit for the perfect word from His Holy Spirit and true healing in His love. The Lord gave His Servant Rev Joe, the Lord continue reveal His Holy Spirit through the book Holy Spirit Hover Over Me. I praise You God and bless Your Servant Rev Joe more to reach many with this truth. I love to say joyful noise for all that doctors were unable to heal but Jesus has healed the cancer on my knee and Holy Spirit anointed my life to see and hear the truth from the Spirit. The book Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me is full of the mighty work. It strengthened my faith and blessing of peace come over my heart. I rejoice for cancer over my knee was totally healed. Moses Oduori
3. Testimony June 26, 2010 by Haron Otieno The Holy Spirit healed completely his ear cancer from which he was suffering for 10 years after reading the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me 3 times. Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe When I was 5 years old the ear went on itching and I was comfort-less since I remained crying and mourning. My parents loved me so much, and cared for me. They took me to hospital to receive cure but it went on painful and it made my hearing limited unless someone shouted I could not hear. It forced that my parents had to take me in special school. So I may receive proper education which I have been there for the last 10 years receiving knowledge. All medicine that were given to me could not heal me. But I kept using liquid form. I dropped a few drops of it daily in the ear but I have never received healing for the last 10 years. Until the book Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me was introduced to me by Pastor Daniel, I was coming from the school and there was the open air meeting where Pastor Daniel was ministering. This meeting was 7 days of ministering I went to school daily and come home for the last 5 days. The next day I was going to hospital for check up and this time I was told the cancer virus was in the ear and that was the one disturbing. For my information I received understanding that the cure of ear cancer was not there. Then in my mind I understood then if there is no cure I might die. But blessed be God after all I was thinking while going home, I heard Pastor Daniel shouting it is possible when you believe the Holy Spirit God will do impossible situation into possible. It was the word of God on open air meeting. I went there slowly after Pastor Daniel kept me in prayer and after understanding that I was suffering cancer, he gave me the book Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me by Rev Joe. I entered deeper and read more daily and believed all that was written in the Holy Spirit Hover Over Me book. God ministered to me. My heart received Christ, after I read on Holy Spirit revelation in hell and heaven and as the Lord's Servant Rev Joe wrote that Jesus is only way to heaven and protect. My heart was brought into the humility of heart and under the obedience of God. I read this book 3 times. Finally I prayed to the Holy Spirit to heal me from ear cancer as He has done more with Rev Joe Do Shick. After more reading Holy Spirit healed me from cancer in my ear I thank you God. I have been blessed with the healing from the Lord's anointed book, when I was reading the book, Holy Spirit brought the voice of God in Spirit over my life. It was talking to me, It led me into Holy Spirit baptism. Power of God come all over me and my healthy is normal. Holy Spirit has healed me from all sickness of cancer and given me peace. The grace of God has come on me. Thank You Haron Otieno
4.Testimony June 26, 2010 by Catherine Muyale The Holy Spirit completely healed her HIV when she read the book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me 3 times. Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe I was born in 1983. I went in school and well learned but before I come out of the school, all parents died on accident on the way while they were driving home from the work. All died the same day. I was only daughter and I was cared by my grand mother. Because I felt lonely and rejected. I thought being married might be good. That can help me restore my joy and find someone to share with my heart. For short while I got the husband who was faithful early in our marriage but later I discovered he was unfaithful to me. One year and months went I become very Sick. It come up like malaria and flu I took up medicines that were for malaria and flu. But it persistent and more I become weak. My clan come and pick up for more treatment and since investigation were done. After blood test I was found with HIV+ and it was like better to die. My husband could not help me since also he was very sick after being given drugs to reduce pain in HIV then I was sent home. But monthly I reported in the hospital to receive treatment and drugs. My body turned more weak and rashes appeared all over my body. Eventual my grandma and grandpa with few uncles took me to our home so that they can help easy. So I remained there for over 7 months. But I could walk and my health was poor in the field, while relaxing there. My uncle came and asked me to visit Pastor Daniel revival meetings. I never knew about Pastor Daniel. So I asked more about him and he told me many that are sick have received healing. All those that believe Jesus received healing. I went there with my uncle. The Lord was present in that meeting after all that were in hands of God were up. Some tears coming out of their eyes, some on their knees. The room was with power and the presence of the Lord was felt by all that were present. After I told Pastor Daniel about my condition of HIV, he prayed for me and encouraged me. And he gave me the Book Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me and he told me to read it more and use the Bible for reference, also to believe Jesus and all that the Holy Spirit has and is doing through His faithful Servants like Rev Joe. It was my time receiving such the king of books. My heart was conformed and total changed after reading the book. God moved powerfully and changed my heart. I have read this book 3 times seeking God in prayer and seriously believing all that is written in this book for all reference in the book had connection with the Bible the Word of God. After Reading the Book, Holy Spirit restored my strength and power came all over my body. All weakness and symptoms, my skin was healed from all rashes. The body figure that was thin was blessed by Holy Spirit and Good Health came on me. All HIV virus died in my blood and body by the Holy Spirit Power. Holy Spirit of Jesus has totally healed me and saved me. My life is given in the hands of God in Christ. Thank you. Catherine Muyale
5.Testimony June 26, 2010 Fatuma Aisha Holy Spirit converted her from Muslim to Jesus salvation, while she read the book, Holy Spirit Hover Over Me 4 times daily. Dear Servant of God, Rev. Joshua Do Shick Joe The blessing of God be upon you, Rev Joshua Do Shick Joe, the mighty Servant of God, Chairman of Whole Race Gospel and Missionary services. I want to thank you for your book Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me. After Pastor Daniel introducing your book in our school last year, I never took it seriously since my Islamic Faith did not allow me to read Christian materials. Also my parents warned me very hard to read them. My school teachers invited Pastor Daniel back in our school. Many were sick but after his prayer were all that were sick and demonic oppressed were delivered. I saw demons come out of my fellow school mates while lying on floor, filled by Holy Spirit and speaking with other tongues and gave the word of prophecy. My heart was burned inside and I asked Pastor Daniel about all that was happening what it mean and he spoke powerful, strong message from this book Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me and I admired to read it. Pastor Daniel gave it to me. I read it more and more. Certainly I was converted. My heart received life and grace of the light of Jesus. The Holy Spirit has shed light over my mind and heart. I have read this book over 4 times daily. But I did this while hiding for the fear of my father and mother. But the fire was burning in my heart. The Lord has saved me out of fear and I told my parents that I have come to Christianity faith. They refused to pay my school fee and punished me. But I kept them in prayer and kept the faith. While reading the book Holy Spirit Hover Over Me, eventually Holy Spirit touched them. While I prayed for them and they decided to pay the school for me and set me free to read the Bible and Christian faith books. But it was after I have gone through hardship of rejection but after I kept them in prayer and Holy Spirit changed them their mind. Chapter one of this book imparted fire on my heart to read more and more of this book caused salvation light. I am born again anew creature in Christ. I have read the Bible and this Book Holy Spirit Hover Over Me. The Holy Spirit Power came on my body. The joy of Jesus Christ clothed me. I felt the Lord Jesus come over my life while I was reading your Book. I praise God for the new touch over my life and holiness in Holy Spirit. I am blessed of being born again. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. When I read above scripture in your book and also about Hell and Heaven and I made strong decision to forsake Muslim and come into Christ Jesus. To escape hell and the judgment with wrath to come on all that does not believe Jesus, I thank you Rev Joe for touching my heart through your book and the message in it. God Bless you Fatuma Aisha